The nature of web hosting allows your content page to be visible on the internet. Providers give you a way of allowing your audience to view your website. There are a number of solutions when it comes to web hosting – that caters specifically depending on needs.
Here are several different types of web hosting:
Shared Hosting
This type is great for start-up web hosting. This is where your website will be kept with the same server along with other websites. Shared hosting means having to share the same server resources like RAM and CPU. This option is also relatively cheap making it a good option for newbies that don’t cater huge traffic.
Although this approach is simple, this is only recommended for entry-level web hosting.
Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting
VPS is a middle option between Shared Hosting and Dedicated Hosting, it has an advanced feature compared to Shared Hosting but doesn’t need technical knowledge to operate. This option is great for website owners who want to be in control but doesn’t necessarily need a dedicated server.
The difference of VPS is that it operates on its own corner on the server but still shares the same physical server as other websites. The disadvantage with VPS is its slow pace of keeping up with high traffic levels that affects the performance of the website.
Dedicated Server Hosting
This gives the website owner full control over the server since it is stored on an exclusive space with no other websites taking control but you. You have the advantage of owning and operating everything that is running on the server.
The only downside of this option is that it comes with a price and it needs technical expertise for it to operate properly. This kind of hosting is recommended for website owners with high traffic levels.
Cloud Hosting
This type of hosting is currently hyped within the tech industry. It enables multiple computers working together. It works through a network and allows users to gather many resources as needed and can be spread across servers. It reduces the risk of downtime in case of server malfunction.
It is a scalable option, which means as your website grows, new/more resources can be acquired, ensuring you are paying only for what is needed.
Managed Hosting
This option allows the provider to monitor the daily set up of your hardware, operating systems and standardised applications.
This gives the website owners the ease of running their page, knowing that someone who is professional is handling everything in a precise manner.
With this kind of set-up, instead of having your own private datacentre, you go about renting a space and they will be in charge with the power, bandwidth, IP address and cooling system that you need. This option costs lower but still gets the optimal service needed.
If you want to learn more about web hosting, feel free to contact us today!